Friday, February 27, 2009


I have never meant that statement so much in my life as today. My week started off like any other week, full of things to do. As I posted earlier in the week my youngest Kaylee had a dentist appt. on Tuesday. After the appt. we went out to lunch just her and I. It was a wonderful ending to a wonderful day. Well I think I had spoke to soon. She started feelin a bit sick later that night. The next morning I got up to get everybody else up and ready for school, when who should appear by herself and draggin her blanket but Kaylee. She said she didn't feel good. When I went to see what was wrong she started throwing up. Oh the joys of motherhood. So I get her fixed and proceed to go and get her brother I'm going into the livening room on the other side of the house I'm stepping in little puddles all over the floor. NO WE DON'T HAVE A PET, it was from Kaylee getting sick throughout the night. When asked she just said that she didn't want to wake us up! OH Dear Lord, wake me up please..... so I proceeded to do the first of 4 loads of laundry that didn't make it through the night. Her futon mattress didn't make it either ( we have been looking into a new bed for her). So I told the hubby to just fold it up and take it to the trash. So that started my Wednesday with a sick baby and yet another Dentist appt to get to. Lucky for me Greg was on the 3-11 shift and was able to take Sean to his appt. Kaylee was sick all day on Wed... but started feeling better later that evening and by morning VIOLA she was feeling even better, I kept her home on Thursday so she could get some rest. Well by 1:30 yesterday it all started again she was throwing up about every 20min. or so. Well not wanting to go through this for yet another day I took Kaylee in to the ER last night at 6:00 p.m. and we got out of there around 9:00 p.m. She has what everybody else has had it is a stomach bug that kicks ur butt. So lucky Kaylee got some booty medicine to help her quit throwing up. She slept through the night but will be home today though. I sure hope I'm no the down hill slide on this one and no one else in the house gets the crud.

Now for my personal Thursday! Me and Miss Hope have this deal going on that The Man takes the girls to school and I pick them up. Well on Thursdays I only need to pick up Kaylee because Alexis and Makenna have Chorus. Well me being the person of habit that I am went to get Kaylee from school yesterday like every Thursday..... waited in line for about 20 min. got up to the front they call my number and no girls...I thought what the heck. Then when the lady was trying to tell me that the girls weren't there we both figured out it was Chorus and I ALREADY had Kaylee at home!! And to top it off I had gone to a PC party a few weeks ago and then to a Adult party the other night. The gal from the Adult party had called the other day and had said that she would call back on Thursday. Well the lady from the PC party called instead and I .... thinking this was the Adult party consultant was running around trying to find my list of goodies to buy. As I got back to the phone and was complaining that I could find the books ect. she said that she had just finished up closing our friends Kerry's party and wanted to see when I wanted to hold mine. I thought to myself OMG I almost gave the PC lady my order for the Adult Party!!
So I kept my composure and finished up with the PC lady and got off the phone before I said something stupid. I don't know who had control of my brain yesterday but I hope they got it back to me last night. I cant go through another day like yesterday!

On to last night when I was getting ready for bed... I was hanging up the new shirts that I had gotten at the going out of business sale that Miss Hope talked about. Well I got a pink one and one with red white and blue stripes, they are small stripes so it is a bit busy. Well I have ADHD adn a bit of OCD not bad it is just some things need to be in certiane places. Well I didnt know how much of a monkey wrench a striped multi colored shirt could be to me. I had no color to put the damn thing with, I just stood there looking at my closet and wondering where will this one go. Oh dear lord I just need a vacation.


  1. Sounds like you do need a vacation!! I know how it is with the color cordinated clothes my husband has to have his shirts like that it makes putting laundry twice as long becaue i got to squeeze them in because he has to many shirts. It drives me nuts. I hope this weekend is relaxing for you and next week not so hecktic.

  2. Girl, it's been rough ALL the way around! Whew. By the way...that shirt you grabbed for a buck? The really pretty satin one? Fits. Heh heh. A buck well spent, I say!

    Hope all the crud and mess clears out soon! I'm only a call or holla away!

  3. Man you are catching it right now... sending healing happy positive thoughts!

  4. you crack me up! i wish i was here when you were on the phone with the PC consultant. lol! im still laughing!!! and im really sad that im missing the goodys going out of buissness sale. ah! i need to be back in ga! anywaise

    <3 your fav daughter in law
