Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Thoughts.

Last Friday started out like any other Friday. Me spending most of the morning talkin to Miss Hope via IM or on the phone or both. I did a bit of laundry and tried to pick up this mess I call a house. It came time to go get the girls ( I claim Makenna as my own most days). So I'm sittin in the line at 1:57 as usual. I look back and who do I see but Girlfriend ( the other southern bell I know) she is the second car behind me. I know its her cuz she is hanging out her van window talking in that so sweet southern voice. The line starts to move forward and it gets to a point that she can see that it is me two cars in front of her. She give me a wave I wave back and the I proceed to stick my head out the window and we start loudly talking back and forth. We were commenting on how we were commenting on Miss Hopes blog about her grandmothers measuring cup. She had also said that the heating bags were the reason that she wanted to get ahold of me at Christmas time. I said " you know that you could always call me you do still have my number" girlfriend said " yeah I know and but this is much easier just yelling to you from my van" So I said " So this is what they must call a redneck car phone." Girlfrend is so silly sometimes. I love her to pieces and I have known her for 9 years now. Somehow the navy keeps putting us at the same duty station.

My daughter Alexis ( number 5 in the family) had participated in the elementary school science project. Her group was one of the ones that made it to the local finals on Thursday. This was her first year having to to a science project, so for her to make it as far as she did I'm so very proud. Her group didn't make the top 36 from all the local schools but they did very well. I know that she will do great things next year.

This is Alexis with her certificate of participation.

She is also supposed to be getting tested for gifted this month. She is so excited one because she is doing so well in school and two she can go with her best friend Makenna to Challenge. I'm so proud of her and all that she has accomplished in the past few years. She was diagnosed with ADHD last year. Even though she wasn't on meds at the time she was still getting A's and B's on her report card. But her classroom actions were not so good. I was getting a note home from the teacher pretty much every day. It was frustrating for all of us. So when we got her on her meds she did 110% better. She had all A's and didn't have a a note from the teacher the rest of the year. She made AB honor roll the first 9 weeks and all A's this last 9 weeks. I'm just glad she got her brains from her dad. In fact all my kids have done better in school than I did. I wish they would have gotten me on some meds ( I have adult ADHD) when I was in school then maybe I would have went on to college. Well I guess that ends my ramblings for today. Take care everybody!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Flag Blanket

Back in October I started a afghan for the up comming Dolphin Auction. For those of you who don't know what that is here is a brief description.

The Dolphin Scholarship Foundation was established in 1960 with the first scholarship of $350 awarded to John L. Haines, Jr., in June 1961. Funds were raised primarily through the tireless efforts of submarine officers' wives' organizations throughout the United States. As the cost of college education continued to skyrocket, so did the need for the Foundation to assist children of the Submarine Force. Today DSF receives individual, corporate, memorial and Combined Federal Campaign donations, as well as continued strong support from the submarine community. All donations go directly to support the scholarships. Interest and dividends from the DSF trust fund supplement these contributions for scholarships and operating expenses.
For the 2008-2009 academic year, Dolphin Scholarship Foundation will award 137 annual scholarships of $3,400 to each Dolphin Scholar. Each recipient may potentially receive a total of $13,600 for up to four years of undergraduate study. The number of new awards granted each year is determined by graduation and attrition of current Dolphin Scholars. Dolphin Scholarship Foundation is proud to have awarded over seven million dollars to almost 1000 students attending universities and colleges through the United States. Dolphin Scholarship Foundation

This is a much worthy cause. Although at this point my daughter cannot take advantage of this wonderful scholarship because she is going to be going to college hopefully with a ROTC scholarsip which makes her ineligable for the Dolphin Scholarship. But I do have 3 more youngins right behind her. So with that all said I embarked upon making a blanket for the auction. I started off with a bang and it didn't take long to be almost done. I only had around 1 to 1/2 hours left to complete this project, but do you think I could get it done....NOPE. I got the majority of it done is around 4 weeks or so. But it has taken me almost 2 months to get the last bit done. I had to get it finished because Miss Hope and I have lots of crafty things we need to get started on and I can't start one of them until I completed this project. So I sat my butt down Tuesday morning and finished the darn thing. Now it is complete and ready for the auction in March. So now let the new crafting begin. I hope that Miss Hope is ready for some serious crafting.

Here it is finally finished. I hope that it brings in big bucks for the scholarship.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Family Vacation

This is my first attempt at blogging so bear with me as I work out the bugs and spelling errors.

Since moving back to Georgia we have been unable to go down to Florida and visit family. Well this christmas the stars aligned and it was a done deal. We got up bright and early christmas morning, opened up presents, had us a good breakfast and headed down to sunny Florida.

Yes you read it right we left christmas morning. You would think that on christmas morning that there wouldnt be alot of people on the road but you would be wrong. I was surprised to see so many cars on the road. We havent made the trip down to Miami in 6 years. It is only a 6-7 hr drive. It would usually take us around 10 because of the kids being so little they didnt travel well in the daytime so we had to resort to driving at night. It still took us around 8 hours to get there. Well this time we did it in 7hrs. and that was with a hour for dinner and a potty break. And it was during the day time too boot. I told Greg that everything look so different in the daylight. We had a wonderful 10 days down in Miami, the weather was beautiful and the company was great. We were even able to see Greg's brother and Sister in Law who have moved to Texas. So the whole family was there and both Mom and Dad were just besides themselves to have all the kids and grandkids all in the same house. Thank goodness that they have a big house, with their 4 children and their spouses and 10 of the 12 grandkids it was a house full.

My sister in Law Kim lives down in the Keys so we had to take a couple of days and go down to see some of the sites. We took the kids to feed the tarpin.

It was very hard to get a good picture of the tarpin because of those dang Pelicans. The kids had a great time feeding the tarpin crabs and fish. Those tarpin are huge, I know it is hard to tell but the one at the top of the page is around 4 to 5 ft. long.

In this picture you can both the Atlantic on the left and the Gulf of Mexico on the right. The water is so green and pretty.

This is the whole reason I had to go to the Keys in the first place. I just love this windchime. It isn't too loud and it is so pretty. They had them in oranges and blues. I just think they are too cool. We also took time out to go to the Metro Zoo. It has taken a bit of time for them to get the Zoo back up to par since Hurricane Andrew totally demolished it back in 1992. But they have done a great job in getting it back up and running. They just opened the Amazon section of the park in December. That is one of the reasons we went to check it out.

I took this picture of the flamingos for my good friend Jordy, she love the flamingos. I told her that I tried to get one for her but it wouldn't get in the suburban, so this is the best I could do. We had a wonderful time with all the family. We are looking forward to going down this summer to help my MIL to redo her kitchen. That should be some good pictures.