Friday, February 27, 2009
Now for my personal Thursday! Me and Miss Hope have this deal going on that The Man takes the girls to school and I pick them up. Well on Thursdays I only need to pick up Kaylee because Alexis and Makenna have Chorus. Well me being the person of habit that I am went to get Kaylee from school yesterday like every Thursday..... waited in line for about 20 min. got up to the front they call my number and no girls...I thought what the heck. Then when the lady was trying to tell me that the girls weren't there we both figured out it was Chorus and I ALREADY had Kaylee at home!! And to top it off I had gone to a PC party a few weeks ago and then to a Adult party the other night. The gal from the Adult party had called the other day and had said that she would call back on Thursday. Well the lady from the PC party called instead and I .... thinking this was the Adult party consultant was running around trying to find my list of goodies to buy. As I got back to the phone and was complaining that I could find the books ect. she said that she had just finished up closing our friends Kerry's party and wanted to see when I wanted to hold mine. I thought to myself OMG I almost gave the PC lady my order for the Adult Party!!
So I kept my composure and finished up with the PC lady and got off the phone before I said something stupid. I don't know who had control of my brain yesterday but I hope they got it back to me last night. I cant go through another day like yesterday!
On to last night when I was getting ready for bed... I was hanging up the new shirts that I had gotten at the going out of business sale that Miss Hope talked about. Well I got a pink one and one with red white and blue stripes, they are small stripes so it is a bit busy. Well I have ADHD adn a bit of OCD not bad it is just some things need to be in certiane places. Well I didnt know how much of a monkey wrench a striped multi colored shirt could be to me. I had no color to put the damn thing with, I just stood there looking at my closet and wondering where will this one go. Oh dear lord I just need a vacation.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Just a weird day
Kaylee my littlest one had a dentist appt. yesterday also. It was a good visit to the dentist. The dental tech said that the only problem she had with Kaylee is that she wouldn't quit talking long enough for the sealants would be able to set. So after the dentist we had a mommy-daughter day. I took Kaylee to Applebees for lunch, she was wonderful. I think it was due to the fact that she had my undivided attention. She had a slider and some fries.. that girl is all about the fries. She did such a good job on lunch I got her a treat.
Ok so maybe a Oreo Cookie Sundae wasn't the best choice but she was really good and that doesn't happen all the time. It was a good day with my baby!
Ya'll have a good hump day!!
Monday, February 23, 2009
I got a Award!!

Monday, February 16, 2009
Wonderful Weekend.
From left to right is Leland,Brenden and Isabell. Now I wont be just a voice on the phone. I feel bad that we live so far away but there is nothing we can do right now .. Hooooyah... go Navy! But at least Ashley understands being a Navy Brat and all. There will lots of pictures of my vacation to Idaho to follow in April.
The rest of the week was busy I took my friend Judy to the airport on Friday she was going to Arizona for a wedding. On Saturday the big V-Day Greg didn't have work like we had anticipated on earlier on in the week so I gave Miss Hope a call and said we would be able to go out to dinner with them and John and Carla. We ate at a restaurant downtown that I hadn't been to in over 9 years. Even though we have been here for 2 1/2 we just have never made it back. So all 6 of us had dinner reservations at Seagulls for 5:30p.m. we were about 5 or so min. late. It was a nice place with good atmosphere. The poor waiter we had, I felt so bad for him. We pretty much figured that it was either his first day or this was the first day he was by himself. He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. We didn't get out of there until 8:15 I kid you not. The restaurant wasn't bad the service wasn't all that good but I totally understand where the poor kid was coming from. I blame the bad service on the people who had him wait tables on Valentines Day all by himself. As far as the food goes it wasn't all that great. I don't think I will be going back. But as far as the people we had with us, I would give them Five Stars. As we were outside talking after we had paid our bills, I said to Miss Hope "That we don't have to just be with the One we love we can be with the ONES we love." it is good that we are far enough in our marriages that we can go out as a group on Valentines Day and have a great time. We really do need to do those group dinners more often, I had a GREAT time. Nothing better than a night out with good friends. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and Valentines Day.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New outlook on life.

With the exception of husbands,children and pets, what would be the 5 most important things you would take with you if you had to evacuate in a hurry?
1) photo albums, baby books
2) Jewelery from Gems TV.
3) Kitchen Aid
4) sewing machine
5) Family pics
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Does it ever Stop?
The Man has custody of our girls( both mine and Miss Hopes) in the morning and I have custody of the kids in the afternoon, this arrangement works out well for all. So I go to get the youngins and as I was driving I remembered that our speedometer was going all haywire. This had started on Saturday. I can be at a dead stop and my speed is is 50 mph. So with this gentle reminder I gave the Chevy dealership a call. I received the following news: " I need to take the Sub (suburban) in and they will see what type of cluster I need for the sub. It will take a day or 2 to get the part in and then it should only take a few hours to fix and it is only going to cost me $500-$600!! I thought I was a gonna have a hear attack. And to top it all off the damn thing was on a recall list a few years back and we farted around and when we finally got the damn thing in we had to many miles on it and they wouldn't fix it. So the moral of this short story is when the manufacture has a recall on your car/truck take it in right quick or it is a gonna cost you down the road. I'm still kicking myself in the butt for not getting it in when I had the chance.
Like the good friend that Miss Hope is she was able to come over and help me get the last few bags finished. I told her that I really shouldn't do those again by myself cuz a few of them that was supposed to be 5x11 turned out to be 4x11. And the bags that I had already had made were to big. So today I guess we will be fixing cases for the litty bitty ones. We have around 60lbs. or so of deer corn to get into bags. Hope you feeling froggy Miss Hope. OK I guess my rant is done. Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. Thank goodness Monday is over!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Manic Monday
Monday was a good quiet day last week, Tuesday however started the run for the weekend! I had a meeting on Tuesday to show some of the wives the new cup that I had made for the Dolphin Auction, I'm the Beverage Committee Chair. I need to explain a little how me and my girls roll. We are a pretty tight knit group, we would do anything for each other ( even bail one another out of jail if needed, and yes we have talked about this lol.) So even though I was the one that said OHHHH I will chair that committee, my girls are behind me 110% and are willing to either succeed or fail right along with me. Now that is what I call BEST FRIENDS. So with that said, we were throwing around ideas for the auction. We started out with Pitchers of beer. OHHH what a great idea, until my hubby popped our bubble and said how are we gonna clean the pitchers. So we moved on to the stadium cups, then thought it was a great idea to have something printed on them.

This is done on a Navy Blue cup with Gold lettering, it looks great! I spent probably 3 days of emailing the lady who was doing the cups, then forwarding the emails to my gals for proof reading cuz I miss things. So it really is a combined effort with us, with each of us bringing something new and different to the table and no one had the need to be the BOSS. I just want to say I really LURV my peeps.
Thursday was just a full day of running around getting misc. stuff done. I had done something to my back when we had compass a few weeks ago, my stubborn self keeps forgetting to take it easy and not lift things that makes my back worse. I HAD to get some stuff at the commissary, Wal*art ect. I HAD to get some more deer corn, my mother in law needed a bag cuz dumb old Miami doesn't have stuff like that. I got 2 of the last 5 that they had at Wal*art.
Friday came and I had a butt load of stuff to do, and for all the planning that I did ( I'm so on having a plan) my children seem to put a monkey wrench into the whole thing. AHHHH such is life, just got to learn to go with the flow. My father-in-law was able to spend the weekend with us, the kids just love it when he comes to visit. Now that we live closer both he and my mother-in-law hopefully will be able to visit more often and we should be able to go down more often too.