Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Thoughts.

Last Friday started out like any other Friday. Me spending most of the morning talkin to Miss Hope via IM or on the phone or both. I did a bit of laundry and tried to pick up this mess I call a house. It came time to go get the girls ( I claim Makenna as my own most days). So I'm sittin in the line at 1:57 as usual. I look back and who do I see but Girlfriend ( the other southern bell I know) she is the second car behind me. I know its her cuz she is hanging out her van window talking in that so sweet southern voice. The line starts to move forward and it gets to a point that she can see that it is me two cars in front of her. She give me a wave I wave back and the I proceed to stick my head out the window and we start loudly talking back and forth. We were commenting on how we were commenting on Miss Hopes blog about her grandmothers measuring cup. She had also said that the heating bags were the reason that she wanted to get ahold of me at Christmas time. I said " you know that you could always call me you do still have my number" girlfriend said " yeah I know and but this is much easier just yelling to you from my van" So I said " So this is what they must call a redneck car phone." Girlfrend is so silly sometimes. I love her to pieces and I have known her for 9 years now. Somehow the navy keeps putting us at the same duty station.

My daughter Alexis ( number 5 in the family) had participated in the elementary school science project. Her group was one of the ones that made it to the local finals on Thursday. This was her first year having to to a science project, so for her to make it as far as she did I'm so very proud. Her group didn't make the top 36 from all the local schools but they did very well. I know that she will do great things next year.

This is Alexis with her certificate of participation.

She is also supposed to be getting tested for gifted this month. She is so excited one because she is doing so well in school and two she can go with her best friend Makenna to Challenge. I'm so proud of her and all that she has accomplished in the past few years. She was diagnosed with ADHD last year. Even though she wasn't on meds at the time she was still getting A's and B's on her report card. But her classroom actions were not so good. I was getting a note home from the teacher pretty much every day. It was frustrating for all of us. So when we got her on her meds she did 110% better. She had all A's and didn't have a a note from the teacher the rest of the year. She made AB honor roll the first 9 weeks and all A's this last 9 weeks. I'm just glad she got her brains from her dad. In fact all my kids have done better in school than I did. I wish they would have gotten me on some meds ( I have adult ADHD) when I was in school then maybe I would have went on to college. Well I guess that ends my ramblings for today. Take care everybody!


  1. I can just see you and Girlfriend hollering to each other in the pick-up line at school. I'm just sad I missed out on that redneck phone call!

    Way to go, Alexis!!!

  2. Congratulations to Alexis!!!

    Love the redneck car phone! Ha!

  3. Congrats to ur daughter!
    And I love the redneck car phone...i'll have to try it sometime. lol

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I got a little whisper over yonder by the frozen waffles that someone was talking about the redneck car week in the car line we are going to but the pool in the back of the truck and we can hang in the hot tub while waiting for the bell to some beans before you come and we can have the jets going!! Whew, that sure wasnt a Southern Bell thing to say...
